How Kotoka Airport Staff & Immigration Officers Are Frustrating & Scamming Travelers In Accra, Ghana

Welcome to my blog! Today, we embark on a journey to uncover the troubling practices plaguing Ghana Airport. As an investigative journalist and activist, I am deeply concerned about reports of deliberate frustration inflicted upon travelers by airport workers.

From suspicious luggage weighing to invasive document demands, there’s a pattern of exploitation targeting unsuspecting passengers. Join me as we delve into these issues, questioning the integrity of airport procedures and advocating for travelers’ rights. Let’s shine a light on corruption and hold those accountable for their actions. This is a call to action for vigilance and awareness.

Introduction to the Broadcast:

Welcome, everyone, to the live broadcast on both my Facebook and YouTube channels. For those on Facebook, you’ll find me under the name Chocolate Melania, a public figure with close to a hundred thousand followers. It’s crucial to ensure you’re following the correct account, as there have been instances of scams using my name.

Importance of Following on Multiple Platforms

Why Follow on Both Facebook and YouTube:. If you’re on Facebook but haven’t followed me on YouTube yet, I encourage you to do so. I’m migrating all my videos to YouTube, making it easier for you to access past content.

Investigative Topic: Issues at Ghana Airport

Introduction to Ghana Airport Issue. Today, I want to delve into an intriguing topic concerning Ghana Airport, particularly relevant for investigative journalists and activists.

Allegations Against Airport Workers

Deliberate Frustration of Travelers: Reports suggest that airport workers in Ghana, including immigration officers and airline staff, have been intentionally causing trouble for travelers.

Suspicious Luggage Weighing Practices

Potential Scam with Luggage Weight: Have you or someone you know experienced discrepancies in luggage weight at the airport? It’s suspicious when luggage that’s been checked and confirmed at home or elsewhere suddenly appears overweight upon airport inspection.

Questioning Airport Scale Accuracy

Investigating Scale Calibration: There are concerns about whether the airport scales are accurately calibrated. It’s worth investigating whether this is a deliberate attempt to extort money from travelers.

Lack of Receipts Raises Suspicions

Missing Receipts for Overcharged Fees: The absence of receipts for excess baggage charges raises red flags. Without evidence of payment, travelers are left wondering where their money is going.

Advocating for Vigilance

Advice for Travelers:. To protect yourself, consider recording your luggage weight checks and questioning discrepancies at the airport. Vigilance is key in combating potential scams.

Targeting First-Time Travelers

Exploitation of First-Time Travelers: First-time travelers, particularly those on business or student visas, seem to be targeted for exploitation.

Demanding Unnecessary Documentation

Invasive Document Requests:. Officials sometimes demand unnecessary documentation from travelers, causing undue frustration and delays.

Advocacy for Assertiveness

Encouraging Assertive Action:. Travelers are urged to assert their rights and question unjust demands made by airport officials.

Appeal to Media and Activists

Call to Action: This issue warrants attention from the media and activists. Investigating airport practices can shed light on potential corruption.

Personal Anecdote and Conclusion

Personal Experience and Parting Words: Reflecting on past experiences, it’s evident that airport corruption is a persistent issue. Let’s remain vigilant and hold authorities accountable. Thank you for joining me today, and remember to follow me on all platforms for future updates. God bless.


Closing Remarks: take care, and until next time, stay informed and vigilant. Goodbye.