How To Avoid Environmental Disasters

He described the situation as an ecological disaster. Religious leaders want an end to Ghana’s illegal mines. The headline of his post read on his blog. The horrible image of young men and women on his post made me very sad. But, that’s one of the daily realities you can expect to see in Accra and Ghana.

"Ecological disaster’: Religious leaders want an end to Ghana’s illegal mines. Prospectors are pictured in a file photo panning for gold at a mine found in a cocoa farm near Bouafle, Ivory Coast. With high prices for the precious metal fueling a gold rush in Ivory Coast and Ghana, diggers are scurrying to cash in. (Credit: Luc Gnago/Reuters via CNS.)"

According to his post, religious leaders want an end to illegal mines in Ghana. Which I think will be a good thing. Not only to Ghana, Accra and neighboring countries like Ivory Coast, but also to the health of young men and women in Ghana. Another reality is the lack of universal income for the majority of citizens in Accra.