The Fourth Best Indian Restaurant In Accra

It is recommended by our travel food advisor as the number four best Indian restaurant in Accra. But, is it? I am not 100% sure. Is it a partly traditional Ghanaian restaurant that serves Chinese and Indian meals? Is every customer pleased with their services?

He described his experience as yummy.

I am an Indian living in Sweden so I didn't know before coming to Ghana that I would get such yummy Indian food. The food was really good & the ambiance was also very nice. There were Bollywood songs being played in the background. The prices are high but I don't mind paying as I was having such tasty food after some. Yummy Indian food!

Pranav wrote on

Noble House Restaurant in Accra

At least Noble House Restaurant in Osu, Accra invested in their own website. Making it a serious restaurant in my opinion. But, is it an authentic Indian restaurant? Is it owned  by Indians? No idea. When I visit Ghana next time, I will go check them out and write more.