He Said That He Was Being Forced To Leave Ghana – Challenges of Living In Accra

Embarking on a journey to Ghana filled with hope and careful preparation, the speaker found themselves confronted with unexpected financial strains stemming from obligations in America.

Despite diligent efforts to establish stability abroad, ongoing expenses such as exorbitant phone bills and storage fees, coupled with familial responsibilities, have left them in a state of financial distress.

Now faced with the dilemma of whether to stay in Ghana or return to America, the speaker seeks guidance from their audience, grappling with the challenge of balancing financial sustainability with familial obligations.

Preparation and Expectations

Before relocating to Ghana, the speaker meticulously prepared, building a house and securing a source of income to ensure a comfortable life.

Financial Struggles in America

However, the burden of ongoing expenses in America, such as high phone bills and storage fees, significantly impacts their financial stability.

Family Responsibilities

Compounded by obligations to support a sibling in prison and a son in need of assistance, the speaker finds themselves financially strained despite their efforts to establish stability.

Navigating Unexpected Events

Unforeseen events, such as the sudden decision of their son to join the military and the passing of a family member, further complicate their financial situation and necessitate urgent action.

Decision Dilemma: Stay or Return

Faced with dwindling savings and overwhelming financial demands, the speaker grapples with the decision of whether to remain in Ghana or return to America, where their financial burdens originate.

Seeking Solutions and Support

In search of advice and assistance, the speaker reaches out to their audience for suggestions on how to navigate these challenges and find a sustainable solution to their predicament.


As the speaker navigates the complexities of balancing financial responsibilities and familial obligations, their journey underscores the inherent challenges of living abroad.

Despite diligent preparation and determination to establish a comfortable life in Ghana, unforeseen events and ongoing expenses in America have disrupted their plans. Now, with their savings depleted and facing the prospect of returning to America, the speaker reflects on the difficult decisions ahead.

Yet, amidst the uncertainty, they remain hopeful for solutions and support from their audience, underscoring the resilience required to navigate the intricate intersections of family, finance, and cross-cultural living.