How To Drive In Accra Safely

If I were traveling to Accra from the West, I would want to ask the following question. Is driving on the road of Accra safe? According to Rhino car hire, the Ghanaian government has not invested heavily in its roads.

Road conditions away from the trunk roads are generally very poor and potholes are common, where they are paved at all. Dirt roads are liable to flooding and landslides during the rainy season and sadly many lives are lost on the roads in Ghana. If you are visiting Ghana, it's recommended that you seek a driver and stick to the trunk roads where possible.

I would  not want to drive in Accra, if I were visiting Ghana from the West for the first time. Majority of the roads in Accra are not safe. I would hire a car with a reliable drive. The driver would drive me around Accra. I would avoid the danger of personally driving in Accra.