The New Kotoka International Airport In Accra

When my brother traveled to Ghana, and came back. He could not stop talking about the new Kotoka International Airport Located In Accra. I often ask myself if it lives up to the hype. Below is how the African Insider YouTube channel described the airport.

Kotoka International Airport is an international airport in Accra, the capital of Ghana. It has the capacity for large aircraft such as the Airbus A380. The airport is operated by Ghana Airports Company Limited, which has its offices on the airport property. In 2019, the airport saw 3.019 million passengers.

African Insider

I have not personally seen or experienced Accra since the launch of the new Kotoka International Airport . I hope to see and experience it some day. I still have so many questions about the efficiency of the airport and the staff. I have heard some good and bad news from travelers to Accra, Ghana.