Makola Market’s History Introduction

Are you properly prepared to go through space and time to the crowded streets of Accra, Ghana? Great! Let’s take a trip down memory lane and learn more about the Makola Market, one of Accra’s most recognizable sights.


The Makola Market has been a favorite stop for both buyers and sellers since the 1920s. It is a vast network of merchants offering nearly anything in between, from textiles to food, jewelry to gadgets, right in the center of Accra. A retail nirvana for the compulsive shopper in all of us, it functions as a one-stop shop for all your purchasing requirements.

The Makola Market has a richer past than merely being a place to shop, though. It exemplifies the spirit and resiliency of Ghanaians. The market provided a venue for women to sell their goods and make money throughout the colonial era, fostering their economic independence and empowerment. In reality, it's claimed that the market was called after "Ma Akola," a well-known trader in the market's early years.

The Makola Market has changed and adapted over the years, even surviving a fire that largely destroyed the market in 2002. Today, it is a vibrant center for business and culture where tourists can fully experience Ghana's sights, sounds, and flavors.


Therefore, the Makola Market is a must-visit location that is guaranteed to leave you with a lasting sense of Accra’s unique history and culture, whether you’re an experienced shopper or a curious tourist. There you have it!