The People Of Accra Are Harder

The title of this article captured my eyes. ”Ghana is hard,’ they say. But the people of Accra are harder.” Can you imagine that the people of Accra are harder? It completely discourages you from visiting Accra, doesn’t it?

Ghana is hard, they say.

From bustling boisterous markets. To the relentless entrepreneurial merchants who hawk their wares in perilous streets that buzz with motorists and merciless motorbikes that dart recklessly in between traffic. To the faithful “Kayaye” — the young women who work as porters, carrying more than their weight on their heads and a small child tied in a cloth on their backs.

But the people of Accra are harder.

I would encourage you to click the link of Chicago Sun Times website above and read all the rest of the article. It really captures the hardship of Accra and its people. If you are thinking of visiting or moving to Accra.