Why Are So Many People Leaving Ghana?

There could be various reasons why people are leaving Ghana. Some of the common factors that contribute to emigration from Ghana include the following factors.

Economic opportunities

Many Ghanaians may seek better economic prospects abroad due to limited job opportunities, low wages, and high levels of unemployment in Ghana. They may perceive other countries as offering better chances for career advancement and higher standards of living.

Political instability

Political instability or concerns about governance issues in Ghana could lead some individuals to seek refuge or better prospects in other countries where there is perceived political stability and security.

Education and training opportunities

Some Ghanaians may leave the country in search of better educational and training opportunities that are not readily available in Ghana. This could include pursuing higher education abroad or accessing specialized training programs.


Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and services in Ghana might prompt individuals to seek medical treatment abroad, especially for specialized or critical care needs.

Family reunification

Ghanaians may also leave the country to reunite with family members who have already migrated to other countries. Family ties and the desire to be together with loved ones can be strong motivations for emigration.

Climate change and environmental factors

Climate change and environmental degradation may impact livelihoods in Ghana, particularly in rural areas dependent on agriculture. This could lead to migration as people seek more sustainable living conditions elsewhere.

Perceived opportunities for personal safety and security

Concerns about crime, violence, or conflict in certain areas of Ghana may drive some individuals to seek safety and security in other countries. Insecurity in Ghana is a huge issue. The government of Ghana has not done enough to control and manage the insecurity in Ghana. 


It’s important to note that each individual’s decision to leave Ghana is influenced by a unique combination of factors, and not everyone leaving the country does so for the same reasons. Additionally, while emigration can have significant impacts on Ghana, it’s also worth considering the contributions that Ghanaian diaspora communities make to both their home country and the countries they migrate to.