6 Reasons Why Ghanaians Live In Poverty

You are welcome to my second post on the topic of poverty in Ghana.  I have discovered that there are 6 main causes of poverty in Accra. Of course, there may be several other causes of poverty in Accra, Ghana. Some of the main causes include the following areas of society of Accra.

Poverty In Accra

1) Limited access to education - Many residents of Accra, particularly those living in poverty, do not have access to quality education. This limits their opportunities for employment and income generation.

2) High unemployment - Accra has a high unemployment rate, which contributes to poverty. Many residents are unable to find work, which makes it difficult for them to support themselves and their families.

3) Lack of affordable housing - Many residents of Accra live in overcrowded, informal settlements or slums, which lack basic infrastructure and services. This makes it difficult for them to access housing that is safe and affordable.

4) Lack of infrastructure - Accra's lack of basic infrastructure such as clean water, sanitation, and electricity also contribute to poverty. Cities that do not have proper infrastructure create the possibility of poverty. 

5) Economic inequality - Income inequality is also an issue in Accra, where a small percentage of the population controls a large portion of the wealth. Economic inequality is very common not only in Accra but in most developing countries. 

6) Political instability - Political instability in Ghana also contributes to poverty as it discourages investors and results in a lack of economic growth. Realizing that Accra is a capital city of a country without political stability can help you prepare. 

Corruption In Accra

These factors, along with others, contribute to the high rate of poverty in Accra. Addressing these issues will require a multi-faceted approach, including government policies and programs, as well as support from non-governmental organizations and the private sector.